20/20 Vision Program
Through site visits, briefings by experts, and meetings with key officials and stakeholders, participants of CCAI’s 20/20 Vision Program delegations have a meaningful opportunity to learn more about the full continuum of care for vulnerable children and families in the U.S. and globally, and to learn how integral federal and U.S. foreign assistance are to improving adoption and child welfare policy and practice.
CCAI’s 20/20 Vision Program provides a way for Members of Congress to promote the importance of permanency for children. CCAI has organized educational fact-finding trips for Members of Congress and their staff to:
- California
- Florida
- Michigan
- Ohio
- China
- El Salvador
- Ethiopia
- Guatemala
- Haiti
- Honduras
- India
- Romania
- Russia
- Uganda
Members of Congress and their staff continue to express the value of traveling with CCAI to learn firsthand the needs of children living outside of family care, both domestically and internationally.