About Us
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Annual Reports

About Us

Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization founded in 2001 to eliminate the barriers that prevent children from being part of a safe, nurturing, and permanent family. CCAI has served as a trusted, principal source of the information, expertise, and resources needed by members of Congress' Adoption Caucus, the Congressional Coalition on Adoption (CCA), on permanency issues both in the United States and around the world.


Our vision is a world in which every child knows the love and support of a family.


The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute is dedicated to raising awareness about the millions of children around the world in need of permanent, safe, and nurturing families and to eliminating the barriers that hinder these children from realizing their basic right to a family.

About the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Caucus (CCA)

Created in 1985, the Congressional Coalition on Adoption (CCA) - the Adoption Caucus - is the largest bicameral, bipartisan caucus in Congress, offering a wide range of programs and holding numerous events throughout the year to engage Members of Congress on permanency policy and programs. 148 Members of the 118th Congress have joined and are actively engaged in supporting legislation and policy that improves the lives of children and families in the United States and around the world. 

In 2001, the four Co-Chairs of the CCA worked to create an associated nonprofit institute, Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI). CCAI Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to eliminating the barriers that prevent children from being part of a safe, nurturing, and permanent family. As an organization uniquely founded "by Congress, for Congress," CCAI has served as a trusted, principal source of the information, expertise, and resources needed by Members of Congress to make informed policy decision about domestic and international child welfare for over twenty years. CCAI believes every child deserves a family and every family deserves a caring community.

Over the last 38 years, CCA Members have led Congress in the passage of historic legislation that has positively impacted the lives of children and families including but not limited to: Supporting Foster Youth and Families through the Pandemic Act, Family First Prevention Services Act, The Adoption and Safe Families Act, John Chafee Foster Care Independence Act, Promoting Safe and Stable Families Act, Hope for Children Act, Intercountry Adoption Act, Fostering Connections and Increasing Adoptions Act, Intercountry Adoption Simplification Act, and Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act.

CCA / CCAI Partnership

Although the CCA and CCAI are distinct entities, they are closely linked in partnership. In 2001, the CCA Co-Chairs established the CCAI with the design of it serving as a resource to the CCA. Both CCA and CCAI are deeply committed to bipartisanship, strengthening families, and permanency. CCAI's initial and continued mandate includes service to the caucus. CCAI provides CCA Members the opportunity to partner in our flagship programs and events throughout the year including:

  • Congressional Resource Program Events
  • Angels in Adoption® Leadership Program
  • Foster Youth Internship Program®
  • 20/20 Vision Program Delegations
  • National Foster Care Month (May) and National Adoption Month (November)

CCAI is a catalyst on Capitol Hill

Knowledge is powerful. CCAI's main purpose and expertise is bringing awareness and education to the U.S. Congress by providing experiential and interactive resources and opportunities to the active membership of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption (CCA) to stay up to date on child welfare policy information. CCAI's programs provide Members of Congress as policymakers the knowledge they need to use the power they have to make a difference on behalf of vulnerable children and families.