Angels in Adoption® Program
Community recommendations for 2025 Angels in Adoption® are NOW OPEN!
What is the objective of Angels? The Angels in Adoption® Program allows Members of Congress and their staff to learn first-hand about adoption, foster care, and child welfare efforts taking place within their state and across the country. The Angel honorees have the opportunity to travel to D.C. to meet with congressional offices and other child welfare advocates to hone their advocacy skills, share their experience and expertise, and leave feeling empowered to continue on their good work and inspire others to do so as well. The program also draws national and local media attention to raise public awareness about the positive difference safe and permanent families make in the life of a child. Every child deserves a family, and every family deserves a caring community.
How are Angels Honorees chosen? To help identify and create a pool of the top child welfare advocates across the country for the CCAI Angels in Adoption® selection committee to consider, there are two different periods – community recommendations (first) and congressional recommendations (second). Anyone in the community may submit a community recommendation using the steps outlined below. Only congressional offices are able to submit a congressional recommendation.
Step 1: Do you know someone dedicated to improving families and communities through adoption or foster care? In the past, honorees have included, but are not limited to: adoptive and foster parents, adoptees, former foster youth, nonprofit organizations, family court and juvenile judges, members of the media, social workers, business people, adoption advocates, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, advocacy groups, and attorneys.
Step 2: Please complete our community recommendation online form to suggest a potential Angels in Adoption® honoree.
Step 3: The congressional recommendation timeline will begin after the community recommendation process ends. You are encouraged to reach out to your recommendee's U.S. Senators and Representative to make them aware of your recommendation. All recommendations – community and congressional – will be reviewed by the CCAI Angels in Adoption® Selection Committee. The Committee is comprised of child welfare advocates and experts including former Angels honoree alum, Foster Youth Internship Program alum, former congressional staff, and CCAI supporters and leaders. The committee reviews and selects the official Angel honorees. There are usually 50-100 honorees selected.
Step 4: Follow CCAI on social media and join our email list to get the latest Angels in Adoption® news!
Learn more about the 2025 CCAI Angels in Adoption Partnership Offers (coming soon!) and how to support CCAI as a donor partner.
For more information, please CCAI's Associate, Lisette DuFore Benz, at [email protected].