
Angels in Adoption® Program


Since its inception in 1999, the Angels in Adoption® Leadership Program has upheld a tradition of celebrating the extraordinary efforts of individuals, couples, families, and organizations who work tirelessly to advocate for children, youth, and families. Throughout the 26 years, over 3,100 Angels have received this special honor. CCAI also awards a select number of National Angels in Adoption® honorees. As the name implies, these are individuals whose contributions in the fields of adoption or foster care have an impact on a national scale.

Past Local Angels in Adoption® Honorees

Click here for a list of past Angels in Adoption® honorees from across the nation, 1999 - 2024.

Past National Angels in Adoption® Honorees

Click here for a list of past National Angels in Adoption® honorees.

2024 Angels in Adoption® Honorees 

Honoree Bios

Honorees by State

Honorees by Members of Congress

Participating Members of Congress

Information for 2024 Angels in Adoption® Honorees

2024 Angels in Adoption® Program: Schedule of Events

Honoree Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About CCAI & Angels in Adoption®

What to Expect: 2024 Angels in Adoption® Program 

Press Release Template

Information on the "Barriers to Permanency" Policy Series

Tuesday afternoon’s policy events are organized around barriers to permanency grouped into four broad tracks: 1) prevention and family preservation, 2) safety and stability, 3) well-being, and 4) adoption. A barrier to permanency is something that prevents children and youth from achieving a safe and stable family placement.

The series will begin with a brief panel discussion led by CCAI, child welfare experts, and congressional champions to discuss key, relevant adoption and foster care policy barriers to permanency. Following the panel, each track will meet as a small group at roundtables to discuss with panelists and each other about their experiences and advocacy.

As a congressionally-rooted program and to help develop strengthened advocacy skills, attendees are encouraged, though not required, to connect their experiences to related legislation in the current 118th Congress. A list of all permanency-related legislation* introduced this Congress is provided.

To learn more, check out "118th Congress Issue Areas: Learning more about permanency-related congressional priorities," or click the links below for info on each track:

Additionally, here are some informational one-pagers of how Congress is engaging on these issues through legislation that honorees may be interested in learning more about.

Please note these one-pagers have been created for educational purposes only by using various, reputable sources linked throughout. These one-pagers are summary sheets of synthesized information, not CCAI publications or legislative endoresements.

Child Welfare Workforce Development Act

Foster Youth Mental Health Act of 2023

Grandfamilies Act of 2023

Higher Education Access and Success for Homeless and Foster Youth Act of 2024

Increasing Access to Foster Care Through Age 21 Act

Protecting America’s Children by Strengthening Families Act

Protecting Sibling Relationships in Foster Care Act

Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act

Supporting Adopted Children and Families Act

The Adoption Deserves Oversight, Protection, and Transparency (ADOPT) Act of 2023

If honorees are interested in learning more about another bill listed on the 118th Congress Legislation List*, please reach out to Toria at [email protected].

*The legislative list is for educational and awareness raising purposes only to provide context for what is at the forefront of the federal government's priorities and is not an endorsement of CCAI.

For more information, please contact CCAI's Associate, Lisette DuFore Benz, at [email protected].